ICLEI World Congress 2024 Partner events
Alongside the main program of the ICLEI World Congress 2024, a number of partner meetings will also be taking place. Attendance to many of these partner events is limited and by invitation only.

Coastal Cities Dialogue: Building partnerships for reducing risks and nurturing resilience.
Closed meeting

Tu-My Tran

Future perspectives on the role of reverse logistics in the circular economy.
Paul Joseph Dale

Multilevel governance and municipal climate initiatives in the NDCs: How to make it happen through CHAMP.
Daniel Miranda

Structure and methodology for preparing studies on state rail transport planning.
Paul Joseph Dale

The importance of environmental education centers as reference points for community activities in municipalities.
Paul Joseph Dale

Unraveling climate finance: Challenges and opportunities for medium-sized cities in Latin America.
Guillermo Piñones Aguilera

Strategies for implementing the SDGs in cities: Based on the Sustainable Development Index for Cities (IDSC) and the Sustainable Cities Program.
Zuleica Goulart

Nature Positive Cities: Collectively building a call to action.
Daniela Lerario
Local Andean visions for sustainable development based on biodiversity.
Sergio Aranguren

City Networks Seminar São Paulo.
Marta Galceran

Latin America Mayors Forum Annual meeting.
Closed meeting

1st Hemispheric Dialogue: Cities Forward.
Closed meeting

Urban Risk Assessment Kick-off.
Closed meeting

Spotlight on LAC cities: Matching experiences and challenges in climate Projects Matchmaking (CDP).
Guilherme Ponce

The impact of local governments and their networks on climate change and biodiversity.
Mariela Couto
Brazilian Association of State Environmental Organisations (Abema) and Regions4

Living destinations: The regenerative governance of protected and conserved areas for the well-being of visitors and locals.
Oliver Hillel
Brazilian Association of State Environmental Organisations (Abema) and Regions4

Walking the Talk via the WorldBio movement: Putting nature to use at territorial level.
Oliver Hillel
Local Governments and Municipal Authorities Constituency (LGMA)

LGMA Roadmap towards COP29 and COP30.
Closed meeting