ICLEI World CongressICLEI Local Governments for SustainabilityCity of São Paulo
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How everyone can thrive in gender-responsive cities

Stage 5 (Upper level)
20/06/2024, 12:00 - 13:30

Urban women have long had their needs neglected and voices excluded from the decision-making processes that shape our living environments. This includes uneven access to economic opportunities, safety concerns, and urban planning that does not adequately address women’s specific needs, such as the complex, multiple routes they take for caregiving responsibilities, work, and household errands, as driven by gender norms. On top of this, the sex-aggregated data that could inform policymaking on these needs remains largely non-existent, which fails to capture the nuanced realities faced by urban women, especially in the context of disaster risk management where natural hazard impacts are felt differently.

What could a feminist city look like? We’ll take on how cities need to be reimagined through gender-responsive planning that prioritizes inclusivity and equitable access for all residents. Empowering urban women through gender-responsive policies, economic opportunities, and inclusive decision-making processes will not only enhance their quality of life but also enable a more resilient and equitable city that benefits all inhabitants.


  • Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh, Mayor, City of Malmö, Sweden; President, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
  • Adriana Campelo, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), Salvador, Brazil; Making Cities Resilient 2030 (MCR2030) Regional Coordinator for Americas and the Caribbean
  • Carolina Basualdo, Mayor, Municipality of Despeñaderos, Argentina
    President of the GCoM Latin American Mayors Forum, Member of the GCoM Board
  • Carolina Leitao, Mayor, Peñalolén Municipality, Chile; President of the Association of Chilean Municipalities (AchM)
  • Daniel Harrington, Mayor, City of Tolhuin (Tierra del Fuego), Argentina
  • Elisabete França, Secretary of Urban Planning and Licensing, City of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Manuela Álvares, Councilor for the Environment and Energy Transition, Municipality of Matosinhos, Portugal
  • Gino Van Begin, Secretary General, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability


María Julia Reyna, Executive Director, ICLEI Argentina Office

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