ICLEI World CongressICLEI Local Governments for SustainabilityCity of São Paulo
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The art of impact: How creativity boosts sustainable change

Stage 1 (Ground floor)
21/06/2024, 13:30 - 15:00

Creativity and innovation are two powerful instruments to drive sustainable change and enhance community engagement. Drawing on a range of creative approaches and tools used by the ICLEI network, this inspiring workshop explores how to embed creativity, inclusivity, and shared values into project design and implementation.

We’ll show how to use collective art to build trust, cross-cultural and cross-generational understanding, and shared values to ensure better project implementation. Attendees will see examples of illustrated maps and booklets that increase understanding and build capacity around nature-based solutions and natural assets. We’ll introduce the concept of “photovoice” to bring together diverse community views, and we’ll see how engaging poets, artists, policymakers, and practitioners to create a shared language for bridging the science-policy divide, reminding us why we are driving change.

Attendees are invited to share their own creative insights and experiences, actively contributing to shaping an ICLEI-wide resource for embedding creativity and values into project design and implementation.


  • Alexander Novoa, Environment Secretary, City of Villavicencio, Colombia
  • Gertrude Rose Gamwera, Secretary-General, East Africa Local Governments Association (EALGA)
  • Renan Marino Vieira, CEO of São Paulo Development Agency (ADESAMPA), City of Sao Paulo, Brazil


Paul Currie, Director of Urban Systems, ICLEI Africa Secretariat

Click here for the full speakers list