ICLEI World CongressICLEI Local Governments for SustainabilityCity of São Paulo
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The power of a network

19/06/2024, 10:00 - 10:45

Watch this plenary live on YouTube!

With more than 2500 cities, towns and regions from around the world engaged in our work, ICLEI is the largest network of local and regional governments advancing sustainable development worldwide.

In this plenary, participants met ICLEI’s newly elected leaders – the ICLEI Council, who will serve for the next three years – and the new ICLEI Presidium, who have taken up the mantle to lead our network in achieving our goals at home and globally.

We look forward and survey our network’s vision for the next – critical – six years, and beyond.

The ICLEI President examined the goals we had set for ourselves as a network, and how they contribute to the global work of the climate and nature agendas, as well as broader global sustainability goals.

We also looked at how ICLEI’s five pathways towards zero emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient and circular development are not only designed to create systemic change, but also to help local and regional governments stay the course towards sustainability, supporting them to adapt and synergize efforts and achieve truly integrated approaches to sustainability.

  • Katrin Stjernfeldt Jammeh,  Mayor, City of Malmö, Sweden; President, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
  • Edson Aparecido, Secretary of Government, City of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Frank Cownie, ICLEI President 2021-2024
  • Gino Van Begin, Secretary General, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
  • Ariel Dekovic, Head of Global Communications, ICLEI World Secretariat

Rodrigo Perpetuo, Regional Director, ICLEI South America

Session flow 

Master of ceremony: Rodrigo Perpetuo, Regional Director, ICLEI South America

Bem-vindo a São Paulo! 

  • Edson Aparecido, Secretary of Government, City of São Paulo, Brazil

As a long-standing Member of ICLEI and Host of the ICLEI World Congress 2024, Secretary Aparecido welcomed all delegates to São Paulo on behalf of the City of São Paulo, explaining why they were proud to be hosting this event, and what they hope that participants would take away from their stay in São Paulo.

Who will help lead us there: Introducing the new ICLEI Council 2024-2027

Introduction and Family photo of the newly elected ICLEI Council 2024 – 2027

  • Frank Cownie, ICLEI President 2021-2024
  • Gino Van Begin, Secretary General, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability

Our vision: The next three years

  • Katrin Jammeh, ICLEI President 2024-2027

The newly elected ICLEI President presented the vision for the global organization for the next three years and onward.

Navigating through a changing landscape toward our sustainable future: ICLEI’s 5 Pathways 

  • Ariel Dekovic, Head of Global Communications, ICLEI World Secretariat