ICLEI World CongressICLEI Local Governments for SustainabilityCity of São Paulo
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Opening Ceremony

18/06/2024, 18:30 - 20:00

Watch the opening ceremony live on YouTube starting at 19:30 Brasília Time (GMT-3)

Welcome to São Paulo!

From 18th to 21st of June, the urban sustainability world converged in Brazil, with numerous networks and initiatives on local sustainable development convening right  in São Paulo. It was our pleasure to celebrate this unique moment at the opening ceremony of the ICLEI World Congress 2024!

Watch remarks from inspiring leaders from all over the world who are transforming commitments into action with ambition, innovation and inclusion.

Recognizing the importance of multilevel action and cooperation for effective sustainable development, we heard from our host, the City of São Paulo, as well as the State of São Paulo and the Government of Brazil, on the efforts being made locally, regionally and nationally to effectively deliver on key climate, nature and sustainability goals.

Turning outwards, we learned how similar efforts are being made in other regions to achieve national and global sustainability targets, and the efforts to include and empower local and regional governments in these processes. We also celebrated the role that global networks plays in connecting cities, towns, regions and communities worldwide, further accelerating ambitious action on sustainable development.

Finally, we thank all attendees how joined us for an evening of networking, where they could connect with peers from around the world and foster new relationships that can help you advance your own sustainability work.