ICLEI World CongressICLEI Local Governments for SustainabilityCity of São Paulo
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Harnessing opportunities and reducing risks: Using artificial intelligence for local climate action

Stage 4 (upper level)
19/06/2024, 16:30 - 18:00

The session unpacks how artificial intelligence (AI) can inform climate action in cities worldwide. As achieving our sustainability goals becomes increasingly urgent, AI is emerging as a key tool for local and regional governments in addressing these challenges effectively and efficiently. We’ll examine various approaches adopted by local governments, highlighting the benefits, applications, and risks of AI in city sustainability and climate action. We’ll also delve into the innovation and significant contributions of local governments and tech giants like Google.

AI also presents a challenge to equitable sustainable development. We’ll take up the importance of a just transition in AI adoption, advocating for the inclusion of marginalized regions to ensure diverse perspectives. With an eye on evolving discourse and regional disparities, our aim is to equip cities globally with the knowledge needed to harness AI for sustainable and equitable futures.


  • Luciana Lobo, Secretary of the Environment, City of Fortaleza, Brazil
  • Luisa Phebo, Social Impact Partnerships Lead LATAM, Google
  • Patrick Maurelli, Adjunct Research Coordinator at CITERA Sapienza University, Italy
  • Tomer Shalit, Founder and CPO, Climate View
  • Zuleica Goulart, Coordinator, Sustainable Cities Institute


Alis Daniela Torres, Head Green Digital Transformation, ICLEI European Secretariat
Ruud Schuthof, Deputy Regional Director, ICLEI European Secretariat